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Bent Egberg Mikkelsen

University of Copenhagen – Denmark

Bent Egberg Mikkelsen is a professor at Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management at University of Copenhagen. His research is on strategies for Urban Food & Farming and Urban Food Strategies with a focus on civic engagement, socio-ecological approaches and change and learning strategies. He is a M.Sc. of Food Science from the Royal Agricultural University, Copenhagen and a PhD in Social Science, from Roskilde University. Coming from a professorship at the Dept of Culture and Learning at Aalborg University he has been doing extensive research in science education and involvement of pupils at school. He has worked as developer of the learning and lab concepts of Gastronarium, the Alimentarium, the Food’n Science, the Young Minds Food Lab, the next Generation Food Makers Space and the Young Food Waste Fighters Club. All are targeted developing 21st century skill-based didactics for young people at school and based on STEM and digital principles. And all with challenges from the food and bioeconomy as cases. Bent is the PI of the SELEA21 and SESAM programs and most recently the SESAM21 program. Program that focuses on how foodsystems thinking can be integrated in the STEM, science and digital learning at