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Annual Nordic Food Forum - NTNU

Datoons. 21.9.
Tid10:00 - 15:00
Pris0 kr
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Future sustainable food system conference - a Nordic Food Forum event hosted by NTNU and Europen Region of Gastronomy in Trondheim.

The conference brings together Nordic colleagues who work with the food industry in various ways, and the aim is to strengthen cooperation, networking and innovation. The conference is organized by NTNU and the European Region of Gastronomy, and is part of the Hyfer festival.

The main theme of the conference will be consumer perspectives, food technology opportunities and future perspectives for sustainable development. The aim is to shine a spotlight on key elements to succeed in a sustainable change to the food system and define the future in our Nordic food context. In this way, you can jointly develop strategies and effective initiatives for sustainable processing, production and consumption of food products.

The event will facilitate networking between different stakeholder groups; researchers, industry players, food entrepreneurs, decision-makers and the policy apparatus. The program consists of presentations, debates, demonstrations of various food concepts and food innovations.

On the list of speakers you will find, among others, Zane Cerpina, the author of the book "Cooking in the Anthropocene - Recipes and opportunities for future catastrophes" and Giovanni De Grandis, who will talk about "Food waste reduction in Norway: from data collection to (collective) action ?”

The conference is open to everyone and will be performed in english.

Møt innlederne

Emilia  Nordlund
Emilia Nordlund
Research manager VTT Ltd
Federico  Gómez Galindo
Federico Gómez Galindo
Professor Lund University
Susanna  Winblad
Susanna Winblad
The Region of Skåne
Stefan  Hellstrand
Stefan Hellstrand
DirectorNolby Ekostrategi
Sophie  Kendler
Sophie Kendler
PhD candidate
Lasse Berre