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Olympic Mindset Workshop for Students x Kjersti Buaas

Datosøn. 25.9.
Tid17:30 - 18:30
Pris0 / 250 kr
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A live, online meditation workshop tailored for tech professionals by Kjersti Buass in collaboration with Hyfer.

How can you as a student benefit from mental training and meditation?

Why Kjersti started with mental training / meditation and how she applies this actively in her life?

"As a professional athlete I have been blessed to learn about the body and mind from some of the best trainers and coaches in the world. Along the way, I made sure to pay close attention and ask a ton of questions from these professionals, so I could better understand the way we humans work."

Join Kjersti live, online in a one hour workshop where you will learn how to:

  • MASTER stress
  • Increased PRESENCE in your life and relationships
  • Strengthened capacity to FOCUS and study with more QUALITY
  • Prepare PEACEFULLY for your EXAMS and execute at a HIGH LEVEL
  • ENJOY and PLAY more in your life, both at school and in your free time

Kjersti Buaas is a four time Olympic snowboarder and bronze medalist from Trondheim, Norway. She has competed on the World Snowboard Tour for over 20 years and in 2018 she was the head coach for the Olympic Slovakian Snowboard Team, where she taught them focus, positive mindset, meditation and mindfulness and how to apply it to their physical performance.

After completing a bachelor in sports science, immersing herself in conscious breathwork along with a 200-hour certification as a meditation teacher, she offers regular workshops, retreats and courses through her company PRSNT. Here she works with Olympic athletes, CEO’s, small and large businesses, individuals and groups and people who join her PRSNT women’s retreats.

On Sunday, September 25th those who have purchased tickets to this meditation will receive a link for the live session 2 hours before the online event starts.

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